Working with Users

Managing User Enrollment



To manage a user’s course enrollments, click on the Enrollments tab on the Manage Users page.


(The Manage Users page can be accessed by clicking Users then Manage Users from the sidebar).


To add a course, click +Add a course above the course list. 



Your course list will appear. You can add individual courses by clicking +Add next to each course, or all of your courses at once by clicking +Add all Courses.



You can also choose an expiry date for the course. After this date, the course will show as “Expired” for your learner, and they will no longer be able to access the course.



When you are finished, click ←Return to go back to the Enrollments page.



To remove courses from an individual user’s profile, click the -Remove button beside the desired course on the Enrollments page. You can also remove all courses from the user’s profile with the -Remove all Courses button at the top of the list.